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When I first met Meg, I honestly felt like a hot mess! I used to ignore my inner child. I would brush my emotions aside and I would have so much anger towards how I function mentally, emotionally, and physically. I had no idea what I was missing out on until I trusted my intuition and started this eye opening journey. I feel like I’m now seeing myself for the very first time. I didn’t realize how much negative self-talk I was inflicting onto myself on a daily basis until Meg pointed that out to me. I have learned to LOVE what makes me unique/special. It’s beautiful AND sometimes challenging.


Meg is truly amazing and so tender-hearted. She pours so much love into her clients and it’s such a beautiful experience. One thing that I really loved is that she would send me her notes after our sessions! I loved being able to reflect and share them with my husband so he could also be informed about my journey. Sometimes it was hard for me to talk to him about all the “uncomfy” stuff, so this was so helpful. Another thing I loved about our sessions is that she would tell me things I didn’t always want to hear, but definitely needed to hear. I have a lot of respect and admiration for her for doing that. That was such an impactful thing and it was always done with so much love and gentleness. I would recommend any of my clients to receive life coaching from Meg.

Profound Wellness, Holistic Health Coaching, Testimonial

-  Shelby Mollitor, LMT, CEO & Founder of Intuitive Love & Light Massage

Profound Wellness, Holistic Health Coaching, Testimonial

- Chelsey Appeldoorn

“Before I started coaching with Megan, I felt disconnected from my life. I was living in a state of survival due to constant burn out and poor boundaries with my work life. My life didn't feel the way I wanted it to. I had an idea of how I wanted my life to feel, but I was so completely drained from the constant giving I provided to others that I didn't know how to give myself the same energy and invest in my wellness. It would be an understatement to say that Megan’s coaching changed my life. 

She provided tools, support, and offered accountability as she fostered me to grow from within. She empowered me. Reminding me that I was able to change and be in control of my own life while supporting me along the way. It wasn't easy work, but Megan has helped me evaluate my life from a state of abundance and gratitude rather than survival and deprivation. I look forward to and love the life I am building and curating on the other side of burn out. Megan reminded me and helped me truly believe that I am worthy of the same time and energy that I give to others. Megan shows up 110% for her clients. She is easy to talk to, fosters a compassionate and trustworthy relationship, and reminds her clients that their power is within - some of us just need a little extra encouragement fueling that power. Megan reminds you that you are already whole - you are not damaged and we all have the power to be the best versions of yourself (whatever that may be). I have already recommended the benefits of Nurse Coaching (especially with Megan) to multiple people. She is one amazing woman to have as a cheerleader.

Megan was fantastic to work with! Every session she did an amazing job asking probing questions that allowed me to really think about and discover deeper rooted issues that were hindering my progress, and then she helped me figure out a plan to improve them. Her calming approach worked really well to recenter my focus. I enjoyed the affirmations at the end of every session. Megan was committed equally, and sometimes more, by sending a check in text, offering to be an accountability partner and overall continued support between sessions. You can tell she has a passion for helping people work towards achieving their best self. I truly felt my sessions with her were more effective and relatable than ones I've had with a counselor.


Overall, I highly recommend Profound Wellness Coaching for anyone who has a desire to improve their life and work towards achieving their goals!

Profound Wellness, Holistic Health Coaching, Testimonial

-  Kate Hubert

“I wasn’t sure what to expect when I went to my first session with Meg. Going in, I didn’t necessarily think I “needed” coaching, but I was curious. Working with Meg was AMAZING. She is very easy to talk to, open minded, & understanding. Our sessions made me more aware of habits & tendencies I have that do not serve me. She helped me think of ways to change these habits to lead a happier, less stressful life. I’m still a work in progress (& always will be), but I’m so grateful for my experience with Meg. If you’re even considering coaching, do it! It’s definitely an amazing experience.”

- E.K

"I attended one of Meg's events and as part of it, everyone had two complimentary sessions with her. I had no idea what it was going to be like. For the most part, I was thinking life was going "okay" and I didn’t really need any support. Taking time for myself is not something I'm good at. BOY, did I need this! Meg makes you feel like you and her are the only two people in the room.  She sets the mood for you to feel free and safe.  You can breathe.  And just by you sharing a little, and little more, and a little more - Meg is absorbing it, and reflecting it back to you.


After your session is done, it does not stop there. She is continually there for you in between the times you see her next. I thought life was going "okay" and I didn't really need it?! I am so thankful I did not pass this up! I feel improved on every level of my "self" (mind, spirit, soul, and body)!  Even in times of personal hard stuff, ( I think back to what Meg had written down and her knowledge, and then of ways of how I can apply it. Meg is a gem. And I personally can't thank her enough for opening my eyes."

Profound Wellness, Holistic Health Coaching, Testimonial

-  Jessica

Profound Wellness, Holistic Health Coaching, Testimonial

- Megan Schmidt

Before I started working with Meg, I was just getting through life, one day at a time. I would make lists, and if I finished my list I felt good enough for the day. If I had to stray from the list, my whole day was ruined. I put myself and my marriage on the back burner. She has given me hope and tools to be able to work on my marriage and find myself again!

My experience with Meg was very positive, I found myself looking forward to meeting with her. The I Am affirmations were my favorite part of the sessions. I cried every time because I'm normally so hard on myself. Those simple affirmations allowed me to give myself grace and ground myself in reality.

I have learned that I am worth it. That I love my husband. That seeing the positive is more important than negative. That things happen and how to navigate around them. I would recommend Meg to anyone. She is so down to earth and non judgemental. She's a great listener. She is never distracted. She focuses on YOU! She has great resources to pass on to further your journey. Meg has definitely found her calling!"

“I had the pleasure and privilege of having Megan coach me over the course of about 2 months. The time I spent with Megan was worth every minute. Megan has a natural ability to make people feel comfortable and provide an atmosphere where, as a client, you will quickly feel as if you have entered a safe, caring and encouraging space. I found myself at a time in life where I had reached a significant level of apathy and feeling discouraged in where I was in life. 


I was looking for someone to help facilitate growth and help guide me in my overall well being. Megan was able to help me recognize and prioritize self care as a vital part of my life and to change my mindset of self care as being selfish and instead realize that the more I care for my own personal health and well being the more I am able to care for and love those who mean the most to me. During my time with Megan she was able to ask me questions that helped me discover what my true priorities and goals were and that reaching them is a journey; it is not a destination. Those small baby steps of improvement can be celebrated and should be celebrated. Moving consistently forward (no matter how small) in the right direction.


Coaching with Megan helped me set priorities and goals for myself and having Megan follow up and touch base with me for accountability and encouragement proved to be invaluable to my growth. I loved the follow-up emails and the genuine encouragement she provided along the way. I found Megan to have a natural ability to coach, encourage, facilitate growth and provide a safe place to share and explore new thoughts. Time spent with Megan coaching will positively impact your overall wellbeing.

Profound Wellness, Holistic Health Coaching, Testimonial

-  Tara Anama

Profound Wellness, Holistic Health Coaching, Testimonial

- Jenna Crouch

“Meg has been a dear friend of mine for years. We have one of those friendships where you might not talk to each other for a while and then you meet up again and it’s like no time has gone by. One day, we were meeting for lunch and she mentioned that she was starting her own business as a Nurse Coach and she wanted me to try a few sessions with her so I could see what it was like. At first, I was a little skeptical thinking how can she help me especially since I just started counseling?  But after the first few sessions, I was hooked! To be honest, my coaching sessions helped me more than counseling did.

I absolutely loved that she made session review notes for me to read later on. It gave me time to reflect on what we discussed throughout the weeks. I reluctantly agreed to the “homework” aka journal prompts after each session and surprisingly I really enjoyed writing and I think it moved my progress along faster. Meg has a gift and I think everyone should experience it! She is amazing at what she does and does it with grace. She has a warm/kind soul that radiates confidence and empowerment. She provided a safe place in order for me to gain clarity in my life and begin to heal from past trauma. I am happy to say that after working with Meg, I now feel lighter, happier, and more at peace and let me tell you it feels so good!”"

Profound Wellness, Holistic Health Coaching, Testimonial

- Julia Coveart

"Working with Meg has been an absolute treasure in my life. Prior to working with Meg, I knew I needed to make some life changes in order to find the happiness I was looking for. I had been sabotaged by self-doubt my whole life, making it difficult in many aspects of my life to be successful and live the life I was truly made to live. Meg is not a fix all, and I knew this, I needed to work daily on myself using the tools Meg gave me to continue to push forward. Meg helped me to solidify the existence of the strengths I already possess and enabled me to begin the path to the life I was made to live. Vulnerability can be difficult, but Meg is so supportive and cultivates a relationship that is easy to speak freely and be comfortable in. I encourage anyone seeking positive life change to meet with Meg and begin the journey to a life worth living."

Profound Wellness, Holistic Health Coaching, Testimonial

- Samantha Lennox

"Meg is such a light. From the moment I met with her the first session, my experience felt just as important to her as it did to me. Everything she said was very intentional; she was very present, and helpful. I LOVED that she started our session off with setting the tone of what to expect and creating a safe space. I felt safe enough to share some things that I haven't shared with anyone in my life. You instantly feel calm and welcome in her presence. She helped me focus on some big picture goals that I have and talk about the next steps to achieve those and how to CELEBRATE myself for the small wins. One thing that she pointed out is some of the verbiage I was using to negatively talk about myself that I honestly never even noticed before. I find myself noticing when others do that now, as well. I would recommend Meg's coaching to ANYONE that is needing a sounding board and someone with a different insight; but especially women that just need to feel empowered and pushed in the right direction. We all need self-care and love, do this for YOU."

"Megan has given me such good encouragement, direction & focus. I love how Megan really listens to me as evidenced by the notes she sends me after my time with her. Every time we've met, I've left feeling equipped with the tools for my life that work for me. Truly a life changing gift to myself the day I said yes to meeting with my Health Coach. I can honestly say for the first time, I am finding a healthy balance in my life with tools to live the rest of my life in confidence knowing that I am achieving my goals. Thank you for changing my life, Megan.”

Profound Wellness, Holistic Health Coaching, Testimonial

-  Linda Sluiter

Profound Wellness, Holistic Health Coaching, Testimonial

-  Kylie Tamminga

"I was a brand new mom with a good amount of stress and anxiety about navigating new motherhood life. I had little confidence in myself and also didn't intentionally put much effort into improving personally. Ever since my coaching sessions, I have the most confidence ever in myself and in the mother that I am. After each session I have left feeling motivated and driven to conquer whatever life experiences I was going through at the time. I don't wait around for changes to be made, I MAKE the changes! My experience working with Megan was amazing! I instantly felt like I could trust her without being judged or nervous to share personal experiences.

Typically I don't open up easily but Megan has this calming presence to her that my vulnerable side came out effortlessly. I loved our honesty and vulnerability most about our relationship. I gained confidence in myself, as a wife, as a mother, as a friend, and as a daughter. I developed increased self awareness - recognizing when I need help, communicating my needs. Realizing that I am the author of my own book and I am in control of my emotions, feelings, and actions. I don't let others tell me what kind of a mother or wife I should be, I do not let people or friends tear me down, and I continue to work on my growth and development everyday!


I have discovered more self confidence than ever in the woman, mother, and wife that I am. Trusting my instincts and leaning on my thoughts and feelings. Recognizing that my feelings are important and that I can't put my needs aside because you can't pour into others from an empty cup. I would recommend Megan's coaching to anyone. Man or women. Single or married. Mother or not. Teenager or senior. She provides honest insight, graceful love, and intentional coaching to everyone she comes across!"

Profound Wellness, Holistic Health Coaching, Testimonial

-  Elissa S.

"I initially hired Meg as a coach to help me work on my organizational skills within my life and business. But what I got? Wow. What I got was a deep dive into my inner psyche. She helped me identify my mental blocks. We were able to pinpoint that my negative internal narrative was holding me back from becoming the version of myself that I was pushing so hard to become. We focused on aligned actions that would help me step into my authentic power, own my inner knowing and intuition, and celebrate and find my own voice.


Meg's coaching sessions are warm, inclusive, and powerful. After a couple of months of working with Meg, I have come to pivot in my career. Which I know was coming anyway. But thankfully now I have the insight and tools to keep stepping in the direction of my soul's purpose. How powerful?! am in awe of the work we both did to have me arrive at this destination. It feels good, I feel empowered, I feel at home in my own mind and body. If you're on the fence about hiring Meg as a coach, I say, what are you waiting for?"

Profound Wellness, Holistic Health Coaching, Testimonial

-  Jillian Pezet

"When I agreed to be Meg's client, I thought / was helping her by jump starting her coaching practice but I was completely mistaken. I wasn't prepared for the profound impact that she had on me during our first four sessions. I am currently on a personal and professional growth journey with my own mentor/coach and in consistent counseling. I often found my sessions with Meg to elicit greater change and subsequently, impact, on my life than the professionals I was already working with. She is warm, genuinely loving, and has a breadth of knowledge from her long standing career in medicine that she pulled from to best serve me as a client. I cannot wait to continue my journey with Meg!"

Profound Wellness, Holistic Health Coaching, Testimonial

-  Donna Meyer

"Meg is phenomenally skilled at creating a calm, reassuring, and non-judgmental atmosphere in this space. Through attentive listening and expert-level reflection, Meg helped me move from a point in my life where I had been feeling stuck for more than a year. I was in a state of great uncertainty and misalignment while contemplating a major life change. My sessions with Meg helped me connect more deeply with my values and begin to overcome my doubts, fears, and limiting beliefs. Through her coaching process, I ultimately centered myself on a decision that has led me to a much greater sense of peace with my life.  From here, I continue in the process of positive change. l'm so thankful to now be on a path that is centered and aligned with my values and with who I am. Reflecting on how far l've come, and the significant transformation that has taken place in such a short period of time, I look forward to continuing in Meg's coaching container with a new sense of clarity and hope.


I would recommend Meg's coaching to anyone at any stage of their life who is perhaps feeling unsettled or desiring more; even if they can't pinpoint what it is or which direction they might like to go. Meg is the real deal. She pours her heart and soul into her work and she's a natural as a coach. She is welcoming and relaxed yet always professional, always keeping on task with complete focus on you and your dreams and desires. If you choose Meg and are ready to prioritize creating the life of your dreams, the transformation to clarity that you'll experience through working with her will be truly life-changing."

Profound Wellness, Holistic Health Coaching, Testimonial

-  Kortlyn Shoemaker

"When I first started meeting with Megan I was struggling with my self worth, self-care, and my spiritual life. When we first started meeting I wasn't sure what to expect, but Megan made me feel completely at ease with being vulnerable and created space for me to be honest as I processed through current situations. Megan's ability to offer insight into what she was seeing and hearing contributed to the growth I experienced in the span of 4 weeks. I especially valued her gentle yet firm pushback when she felt it was necessary. 

 She challenged my way of thinking and seeing and offered up tools to help with the process not just within our meeting times, but also to continue throughout the week. Receiving follow up emails each week reflecting back on what we discussed in our previous meeting with Megan's wisdom, insight, and resources mixed in was incredibly helpful. It acted as a reminder to continue working on myself throughout the week, and felt at times like a journal entry to reflect upon. In addition, Megan's own vulnerability and honesty made it an incredibly safe space to share. I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity to be guided by Megan and work through my challenges!"

"When I started working with Meg, I was beginning a new work chapter: my oldest hit double digits which brought to light growth and change. Coaching with Meg was a breath of fresh air. Navigating change is hard but she showed me how to validate my emotions and recenter when I feel overwhelmed. Meg gave me tools for life that I already had but needed to be reminded of in order to let go of self doubt."

Profound Wellness, Holistic Health Coaching, Testimonial

-  Liz Ann

Profound Wellness, Holistic Health Coaching, Testimonial

-  Lauren Yager

"First and foremost, Meg oozes warmth and earnestness that immediately puts you at ease and allows her to build rapport quickly with her client. In our time together, we focused on finding ways to better connect with my body and explore new movement/exercise practices. I was stressed and struggling to find a regular exercise routine that gave my body what it needed. She was deeply encouraging and intuitive in recommending yoga and shared her own transformative yoga practice. I now have incorporated regular yoga into my exercise routine and LOVE it!

 Meg allowed ample space for me to verbally process the stresses I was experiencing at work and my desires to discern the changes that I needed to begin healing. That space was profound, and her encouraging nature was precisely what I didn't even know I needed. Each session she provided amazing affirmations that have continued to stick with me and helped me identify quickly when my internal dialogue is sabotaging me.


After spending time with Meg, I felt in touch with my intuition, deeply encouraged, and had increased clarity for the things that matter most to me. What gifts! I would recommend Meg to any women in transitional life circumstances whether new motherhood, career changes, relationship changes, or changes in their health status. Her gift is in her ability to be a source of light and encouragement and help women find their inner knowing, confidence, and power."

"It was a gift to be able to be coached by Meg. She is someone who cares deeply for her clients and it shows with every interaction she has with them. Meg is a genuine listener and the amount of time and energy she spent coaching was incredible. Each exercise, meditation, or even writing prompt, helped meet me exactly where I was and helped me grow and set goals along the way.


I recommend holistic coaching with Meg to anyone who is searching for tools and strategies that lead to the betterment of your mind, body and spirit."

Profound Wellness, Holistic Health Coaching, Testimonial

-  Mellissa Zoerhof

Profound Wellness, Holistic Health Coaching, Testimonial

-  Karen Fikse

"As I am approaching retirement from my corporate job in the next few years, I am on a journey to figure out what is next for me. I want to maintain a healthy lifestyle and still contribute in a meaningful way when I retire from my "big girl" job. Meg has been such a great thought partner for me on this journey, helping me to see where I have blockers, working with me to change the language I use about myself and improve negative self-talk and limiting beliefs. She helped me see how these things impede my success and ability to move forward. She has also helped me build confidence in my talents and gifts, and recognition that I have a lot to offer, I add great value in my current job, and will continue to do so in the future.

Meg has such a kind, compassionate, and caring approach, and she is also direct, honest and holds me accountable. She helped me see things as they really are and change the story that I tell myself about myself. She was so thoughtful in helping me work through some of these things and one of the best benefits she gave me was allowing me to write reflections about our sessions and providing me with her observations and reflections as well. The Better app allows me to go back and review those notes and use them to move myself forward. I am so grateful for Meg and her coaching. She has such a heart for helping others, and she has really helped me overcome some limiting beliefs and negative self-talk. She has helped me gain clarity about my future as I approach my retirement."

"From day one I felt connected to Meg in a way that I knew was going to add value to my life. Before our interaction, I was struggling with balancing my business and my family. I felt like my business was not growing the way I wanted it to, and I was not being present with my family when I was with them. Within the first two sessions of working with Meg, I already had a plan in place that would create structure for my business to help it grow AND allowed me to turn off work when it was time to be with my family. She really helps you get right down to it and makes you focus on the priorities. After the first session, I was already looking forward to the next one."

Profound Wellness, Holistic Health Coaching, Testimonial

-  Sonia G.

When I started coaching with Meg, I was a bit skeptical of the process. I had been seeing professional therapists and counselors for many years, and upon exploring beyond what I could get from "on the couch," I had run into a few culty scams that compounded religious trauma and did more harm than good. Meg understood my skepticism and gave space for me to safely express it. That alone started building a trustworthy foundation for rapport where I could be open about the good and the dark. I sought out Meg specifically because of our childhood connection - having remembered her heart and witnessing how she profoundly impacted the lives of all she made contact with, my inner knowing said, "YES! You need this!" I am filled with tears of gratitude reflecting on that voice that ushered me into the most transformative process of my life thus far, and for Meg, who was so willing to bear witness to ALL of it.


I came in with the expectation that I would find further clarity on my parenting, marriage, career path, financial issues, friendships, community, spirituality, and create a life that I had envisioned was "whole." "Wholeness," at the beginning of this journey with Meg, was something that I had idealized as "having it all together." A loving and faithful marriage, to be present for my child, have friends, a fulfilling career, good health, a clean house, adventure, and a relationship with the divine. I made goals with action steps, used neat little trackers that compartmentalized every aspect of my life, and ensured that everything was SMART - Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-Constrained. Easy peasy, I could check these things off one at a time with just a little more guidance on new methods to implement to replace the old methods. Meg gently reminded me that while my intellectualization was a huge strength and gift, it had become such a muscle that it was now denying my access to my intuition, wisdom, and heart. I was living from my head, and not from my heart...and not even a mixture of the two - it was ALL cerebral. I conflated purity and "perfection" with wholeness, and I was striving to fulfill a grab bag of others' conceptions of a "perfect" life. How I *should* be living, not how I actually *wanted* to live. 


A little over a month into coaching with Meg, the world I had worked so hard to build started to seemingly fall apart, one neat compartment at a time. Meg was truly a rock during this tumultuous time and I give her immeasurable credit for empowering me to build my own foundation so that I am my own rock. Through Meg's compassion, openness, willingness to be human and vulnerable, and bravery to go to the dark places of the soul that hide in fear, I grew courage. Through coaching with Meg, I learned that I was already whole, I found my voice and the strength to use it, I found compassion for others who had caused harm, forgave myself for times that I have harmed, and I knew that what I needed more than anything was to reprioritize by listening to my own inner wisdom. Sometimes, we can be so afraid of shattering what is because of the investment we've poured into it (sunk cost fallacy), but what is even scarier is continuing to live a life that is not truly ours, or a life that is a lie. 


Meg helped me to confront the lies that I had been living and telling myself to get to the core of why I felt so deeply dissatisfied, and I began to shed all the layered expectations and internalized voices of others. With Meg, we got to the root - and that's where I found my knowing, spirituality, and truth. I definitely also checked many of the SMART goals off of my list (vaguely: quit smoking cigarettes, strengthen the relationship between body and mind through movement, read more books, budgeting, etc), but coaching with Meg was about so much more than checking these things off - I was able to see the blockages that prevented me from living in my potential (emphasis on *my* potential, not others' perceptions of what my potential *could be*). When I betrayed and dishonored myself, I allowed others to betray and dishonor me, and when my authentic self hides, I am also hiding from the chance of genuine connection. Although Meg offered so many useful tools and methods to use, the main method that profoundly transformed me was her approach - no judgment, no shame, always held in love and connection, and empowered. Meg acted as a mirror with tremendous reflection power. The voice that told me "YES! I need this!" despite the fear is now what I know to be a higher power that allowed me to connect with such a beautiful human and soul. 


 I give the highest possible recommendation for Meg as a coach for either organizing, prioritizing, accomplishing, or finding what your *true* goals are in this life. Even more, I can attest that Meg holds a space that can be utilized for getting to the core - the heart - and the root. A true professional, but an even better person. So grateful to know her!

- S.S

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